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Effectively speak out as a recovery advocate

Effectively speak out as a recovery advocate

Why Speak Out as a Recovery Advocate?

Speaking out about recovery can build relationships within your communities. Whether you are speaking with elected officials, family members, decision makers, law enforcement, or others in recovery, your story can have an impact. The impact of your story can be strengthened by learning and practicing non-stigmatizing language. That language can be found throughout this guide.

The Recovery Advocacy Project respects every individual’s right to disclose one’s own personal experiences with addiction and recovery in their advocacy efforts. Deciding to speak out about recovery is a personal process for many. It is our hope that this guide about recovery language and messaging will help a new generation of potential recovery advocates in that process. Speaking out publically is both a choice and a right.

This guide will also serve as a reminder for many that have been speaking out for years. 

This HOW TO piece of the Advocacy Toolkit draws from expertise of advocates that have been researching recovery messaging and speaking out on the front lines of the recovery advocacy movement. Much of the language that Recovery Advocates have used in past efforts is a product of focus groups, both from the general public and the recovery community.

Many advocates have come to realize that transforming a private recovery experience to a public one can be incredibly empowering, and can add to an individual’s recovery capital, which is defined as “internal and external resources that can be drawn upon to initiate and sustain recovery.” (White: Recovery Capital Primer for Addictions Professionals)

Every person in recovery, their family members and allies, have the right to speak out and develop an impactful story that can advance their advocacy and community organizing efforts.

There are many reasons at the center of why people in recovery are coming out of the shadows to speak out including

“By claiming the right to speak publicly and to frame their experience in their own language, recovering people are politicizing (in the best sense of this term) what up until now have been their own private experiences.”

William White, Rhetoric of Recovery Advocacy

Can I speak out as a Recovery Advocate if I belong to an Anonymous 12-step group?

Yes, you can.

Anonymity is an important tradition to many people in recovery.  It is also misunderstood.

Anonymity does not mean that you cannot speak publically about your recovery. You can advocate for the rights of yourself and others without breaking with any of the traditions of a 12 step fellowship as long as you do not mention the 12-step group by name, and you are not speaking as a representative of that 12-step group.

For example, when speaking out, you are not a “member of AA”, you are speaking up as a person in recovery, and as an advocate for recovery.

To go more in depth on this topic, there is a great pamphlet you can download called “Advocacy with Anonymity” that many people in recovery have read and shared with others to explain how to advocate, while honoring the traditions.

Why the Language we use to Speak Out matters:

When speaking out, the language we use becomes about the perception of how it is heard by others.

“Words are important. If you want to care for something, you call it a ‘flower’; if you want to kill something, you call it a ‘weed’.”

Don Coyhis, Founder and President of White Bison

For most of us in recovery, we have our own language when speaking with others in recovery that is meaningful to us. We have to understand that language used between people in recovery can be misunderstood, or not understood at all, by those not familiar with addiction or the recovery process when spoken in public.

The words we use as we publically speak out for our rights, does not necessarily have to reflect the words we use in our personal recovery process.

When we speak out as a recovery community it is important to do so in a way that is responsible and doesn’t add to the stigma that already exists. Using the wrong words in our efforts to speak out can hurt the recovery advocacy movement, even if that was not the intention.

In his paper titled Rhetoric of Recovery Advocacy, Recovery historian and author William White reminds us

“Words have been used to wound addicted and recovering people–to declare their status as outcasts.  Words can also be used to heal addicted and recovering people and invite them into fellowship with each other and the larger society.”

“Words, and the meanings with which they are imbued can achieve accuracy and relevance or they can transmit dangerous stereotypes and half-truths. They can empower or disempower, humanize or objectify, engender compassion or elicit malignant fear and hatred.  Words can inspire us or deflate us, comfort us or wound us. They can bring us together or render us enemies. Put simply, our lives are profoundly shaped by the words we apply to ourselves and those that come to us from others.”

The Recovery Advocacy Project encourages you to study the recovery language below and practice it to inspire others, create healthy community relationships, heal, and advocate for public policy.

Labels to abandon while Speaking Out

The way people in recovery identify themselves, or are identified by others, is a great place to begin when talking about how we are perceived as a community.

The reality is that people who use drugs, and people in recovery, are people and should be treated as such. Let’s use language that demands respect, equality, and hope for other. To do this we must look at some common words that do not reflect us, yet are still currently used to describe our community.   

The following labels dehumanize people in recovery or persons using drugs. Many of the labels below are slang, and are offensive and demeaning. Let’s work together to eliminate these offensive labels while speaking out.


To many people in recovery, “Addict” and/or “Alcoholic” hold meaning when we self-identify.

However, when the general public hears the words “addict” or “alcoholic” (even “recovering addict/alcoholic”), it most likely holds a negative connotation and there could also be a pre-judgement made. Also, most people hearing these two labels assume that the person is still using drugs or alcohol, when that often is not the case.

Using person-centered language

Person – centered language humanizes people in recovery or a person still actively using drugs.

Instead of using the label “Addict” or “Alcoholic” practice using Person-Centered Language like:

This also applies to family members and allies impacted by addiction and recovery when speaking out. Here are some examples of how to identify yourself as a family member or ally.

Words/Phrases we need to abandon when speaking out, and preferred terminology

You can preview and download this helpful image on recovery dialects that you can use as a reminder before you speak out. Feel free to share it on social media outlets as well.

Words and Phrases to Elevate while Speaking Out

Pointers in developing your core recovery story and message

A recovery story is not the same as an addiction story. Addiction stories tend to focus on the struggle of active addiction, sometimes spending too much time on the problem. While that is an important story to tell to raise awareness, it is also the story that generally is already being told in the media and written in articles across the country.

 A recovery story tends to focus on solutions as they inspire hope and a vision for what is needed for recovery to thrive in an individual, community, or state.

Much of the advocacy that people in recovery do when speaking out may offer a snapshot of what addiction was like, but then turn to a recovery story to offer ideas for community or legislative solutions.

Here is a framework to use to shape a powerful recovery story/message.

  1. Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself and identify in a person centered manner such as Recovery Advocate, Person in Recovery, Person in Long Term Recovery, Family Member in Recovery/of someone in Recovery, Supporter of Recovery, or person with substance use disorder.

  1. Share how recovery has benefited you, your family, or community

Paint a picture of what life is like as a result of recovery. Share some hope to inspire people here. Many advocates share about going back to school, repairing relationships, being a father/mother, having employment, advocating, helping others. Remember, you are not speaking out to brag about the good things in your life as a result of recovery, but speaking out to inspire others.

“My life today as a person in recovery is…”

“As a result of recovery, today my life is…”

“Some of the things I have back in my life today are…”

  1. Tell them why you are advocating and speaking out

 “I am speaking out today because…”

“What could really help this community/state is…”

“Recovery resources are needed because…”

“I am advocating for a peer Recovery Community Center in town because…”

“Some solutions around the addiction crisis that I am advocating for is…”

“Recovery support will benefit the entire community/state because…”

“The problem we are seeing in our communities is _____, and that is why recovery support is needed…”

Additional Guidance in Developing your story and message to speak out

  • Practice, practice, and practice some more.

It will help to keep a notebook to write out your story and core messages. You will find that your story and message will evolve over time and experience with speaking out. You can also ask another advocate in the area to take a look at your messaging, or listen to your story, and ask for feedback.  

Pay attention to any feedback you get from audiences after you speak out. Make a note of it in your notebook for next time.

  • Be genuine while speaking out

Even if you have shared the same story or message 100 times in public, work to always keep the realness of your story. Remember that every time you speak out there are people in the audience that have not heard you before and may need to hear that message. If there is a piece of your story or message that is emotional, let it be emotional and real, even if you have shared it many times.

  • Be mindful of your Tone:

Speaking out is not always just about the words you use. If you are demanding action, your tone should to reflect that. If you are fed up, your tone should reflect that. If you are working to inspire others with your story, your tone should reflect that.

Tip* If you want to express a confident or impactful tone, it helps to say the sentence as if it had an exclamation point after it.

For example “There have been 3 drug overdoses in the past few months on campus. We need Recovery Support Services and access to Narcan on campus, now((!!!)) so we can save lives and get young people on a pathway to recovery.”

  • Pace yourself when delivering your message:

Take your time in getting the most important parts of your message across. Know the most impactful portions of your story and build to it. Use pauses to maximize your most important points.

  • Be a chameleon:

Know your audience. The core of your story can remain the same but you may want to adjust your message depending on who you are talking to. For example, you may tweak your message depending on if you are speaking to an auditorium full of high school students, or a room full of law enforcement officers.

  • Avoid using Jargon:

Almost every community has jargon.  This includes the recovery community. Jargon is defined as  “special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.”

Jargon includes the use of acronyms for organizations you may belong to or reference while speaking out.

 Some examples of recovery jargon would be “Keep it simple.” “One day at a time.” or an acronym like “SAMHSA”

 Although you, or others in recovery may know what these terms mean, it is possible your audience does not.

  • Practice some more!

Language for those Actively Using Drugs

In this guide we have focused a lot on people in recovery, family members, and allies speaking out. An important voice in the recovery advocacy movement is of people who are currently using drugs, who want to speak out about what is needed in their community.

*The Recovery Advocacy Project would like to thank PA-Harm Reduction Coalition for developing this core message for people who use drugs that wish to speak out.

Core Message for People Who Use Drugs:

Language for those Actively Using Drugs


Be consistent with your language and messaging whether you are commenting social media sites, news articles, dialoging with family and friends, or speaking with elected officials or decision makers in your community. It all adds up.

Here is a reminder of where it is appropriate to use different words and phrases.

Other Recovery Messaging Resources

town hall

Organize a recovery town hall with decision makers

Organize a recovery town hall with decision makers

Defining a Town Hall Meeting

Recovery Town Hall Meetings are forums that allow advocates to have their voices heard on the issues and solutions most impacting their community. The purpose of the forum is to convene local decision makers in a way that allows them to listen to topic experts, people with lived experience, and advocates in order to better understand the needs of the community. 

Organizing Recovery Town Hall Meetings can translate to local policies, practices, and collaborations that help those directly impacted by addiction or those living lives in recovery.

Defining Decision Makers

Each community is unique, but the one thing that every community has is people who are responsible for making decisions for residents. 

When we think about local Decision Makers in communities around our issues, the list could look something like this

Why organize a Recovery Town Hall Meeting with your decision makers?

Recovery Advocates and Organizations from all over the country have benefited from organizing different versions of these local Recovery Town Hall Meetings. Here is a step by step guide and some best practices so you can work towards organizing your own Recovery Town Hall Meeting.

Step by Step Guide to Organizing a Recovery Town Hall Meeting

1. Put together an Organizing Committee that will help you plan your Recovery Town Hall Meeting.

Organizing a Recovery Town Hall Meeting will be much easier with a team of other advocates that care about the same issues you do and want to highlight solutions at an event.

You may already have some organizing committee members in mind if you have a local advocacy team (HOW TO Host a monthly recovery advocacy team meeting) or if you have worked to build your recovery advocacy base (HOW TO Build your Advocacy base and sustain it)

A good size committee for this project would be 6 -10 individuals.

  • Assemble a committee that is diverse. You may want to have a mix of recovery advocates, family members, addiction experts, people with lived experience on the potential topic (Step 2) your committee chooses, and other local leaders on the issue of addiction.
  • Ensure your committee best reflects the makeup of your community.
  • You may be in the early stages of your community organizing. If you have less than the 6 to 10 people recommended for your committee that is ok. A smaller group could be easier to manage.
  • Develop a schedule to communicate with your committee. The best planning meetings are when you can meet in person, however, you may want to also set up a conference call line for check-in meetings with your team.
  • Once your committee is together, be sure to ask what people’s strengths are at your first planning meeting and their area of interest. This will help assign tasks as the organizing moves forward. The committee may even decide to split into sub-committees to play to individual strengths. For example, the committee could form a Promotion & Outreach Team, Media & Social Media Team, Event Logistics Team etc.
2. Pick a topic for your Recovery Town Hall Meeting

Step 1 and Step 2 could be interchangeable. You may have already identified an issue to focus on and assembled your committee based on that issue. If that is not the case, the first task for your organizing committee is to choose a topic that will draw interest to your Recovery Town Hall Meeting.

Choosing a topic will also direct the type of community event you are convening. For example, the topic of “Understanding Addiction and Recovery” could be an educational forum, while a topic like “Solutions to the local Addiction Epidemic” sounds both educational and a call to action.

When choosing a topic, the committee should consider the type of Town Hall meeting you want to organize and ask if your topic has the following criteria:

Some example topics for your Recovery Town Hall Meeting may include:

  • Be sure that everyone on the committee has a chance to be heard at the initial planning meeting. This may also provide ideas for future event topics.
  • There are advantages to choosing a topic that is vague. It may be possible to have speakers address multiple issues in the community under a broad theme. For example, the topic could be “Access to Recovery Support Services” which would allow for many different speakers. You could end up addressing a number of different community issues under that topic including Medication Assisted Recovery, recovery coaching, lack of community resources, recovery housing, or access to care.
  • There are also advantages to having topics that are direct. For example, choosing a topic like “Access to Naloxone for All” would let people know exactly what type of event your committee is planning and you could highlight many speakers with different backgrounds around the same topic to get your point across to Decision Makers.
  • Pick a topic that could potentially draw in some special guests. For example, you may want to choose a topic you know there is a local elected official that champions that particular issue.
  • Be sure to research your Decision Makers as much as you can to understand where they stand on the issues.
3. Plan the Recovery Town Hall location and date of event details

Location:  Location is key to putting on a successful event. With your committee, identify potential community buildings in the area that could host the amount of people you would expect to attend the event. Members of the committee may have existing relationships with people that work at facilities that could host the Recovery Town Hall.

Some potential ideas for facilities could include:

  • Recreation Centers
  • Community Centers
  • Recovery Community Centers
  • Library Event Rooms
  • University Classrooms or Student Centers
  • High School Auditoriums
  • Church Auditoriums

Date/Time of Event: Based on the many events that have been organized all over the country by recovery advocates and organizations, it is recommended that your committee takes 3-4 months to plan an impactful event.

It may be easier to schedule the event after people generally are out of work, like 6-8PM on a Wednesday. You may want to offer food or snacks, if possible.

Be sure to schedule the event with enough time in advance to promote the event, gain media attention, and secure the invitees and selected advocate speakers.

  • It is important to look at spaces that potentially have public transportation in your area.
  • If your committee plans to host an event that, for example, runs 6-8PM, be sure to ask if the space can be reserved from 5PM- 9PM for the room set up before the event, and also leaving some time if the event goes over 2 hours.
  • While looking for potential spaces, it is best to find a room that could hold 30-120 people, depending on the goals of the organizing committee.
  • Work to secure a date that you know your special guests can commit to. For example, you could have a State Representative that can agree to attend if it is held on a specific date.
  • You may want to pick a space that already has audio hookup. (Microphone and Speakers)
  • Pick a space that is well known in your area.
  • Assign someone from the organizing committee to be the point of contact for the event with the facility your team chooses.
  • Be sure to have a main contact at the facility you reserve for your event. This will be the point person as your committee continues to plan the Recovery Town Hall Meeting, and may be useful if something should change in the organizing process.
4. Pick a format for your Recovery Town Hall Meeting

There are a number of different formats to Town Hall Meetings that can accomplish what the committee is working to do. When deciding on a format, it is important to not only think about the end result and purpose of the Recovery Town Hall meeting, but also consider the message and who will be most impactful in delivering that message to the attendees and even potential media.

Here are three formats that will shape how your committee proceeds in organizing the Recovery Town Hall event. Your committee may find that they could use a format that combines two or all of these styles.

  1. Speaker Forum
  2. Educational/Awareness Forum
  3. Decision Maker Forum

A Speaker Forum is a Recovery Town Hall that highlights a number of pre-selected speakers and stories around the same topic. This format would be ideal if you want to highlight the stories of those with lived experience that are directly impacted.
For example, your committee may want to plan a Recovery Town Hall with the topic of “Many Pathways to Recovery” in which the event has 6 individuals speaking about their own pathway to recovery. Or the committee may want to plan an event around Recovery Support Services in which six different speakers highlight a Recovery Support that has helped them.

Benefits of potentially using this format:

  • Allows for speakers to be selected (and trained) based on the message of the Recovery Town Hall. This allows for a pre-planned and consistent message to Decision Makers.
  • Strong impact through storytelling.
  • Humanizes the issues. Makes recovery and solutions a reality for the community.
  • Often has an impact on the Decision Makers in attendance.

Things you will need for a successful Recovery Town Hall using the Speaker Forum format

  • 5-6 speakers with lived experience on the topic. (It will help to have speakers that are familiar with Recovery Messaging) The planning committee can encourage potential speakers to review HOW TO: Use Recovery Messaging to organize and reduce stigma in your community.
  • A panel of community Decision Makers at the front of the room to listen to the 5-6 speakers that are pre-selected by the committee to share their stories around the chosen topic.
  • Audio (Microphone and Speakers) depending on the facility.
  • A facilitator for the Recovery Town Hall (more on this in Step 10 )
  • An audience to listen to the discussion.

An Educational/Awareness Forum is a Recovery Town Hall that is primarily meant to feature an expert on a particular topic. This format would be ideal if the goal of your Recovery Town Hall is tackle an issue that requires a specialist to explain.

For example, your committee may want to plan a Town Hall with the topic of “The Science of Addiction and Recovery” where there is a presentation by an Addiction expert, followed by a short conversation with the community Decision Makers.

This format also works to highlight Motivational Speakers.

Benefits of potentially using this format:

  • Allows your topic’s message to be delivered by an expert.
  • Has potential to draw a wider audience.
  • Can lead to informative Question and Answer sessions.
  • Choosing an expert may add instant credibility to your event.

Things you will need for a successful Recovery Town Hall using the Educational/Awareness Forum format

  • An expert on the chosen topic. Ideally, the expert will be a draw for a large audience and should be from the local community, if possible.
  • Audio/Visual set up. Your expert on the topic may request use for a Powerpoint presentation. (This could potentially open up a beneficial partnership with local schools or Universities)

A Decision Maker Forum is a Recovery Town Hall format that focuses a majority of the discussion between the decision makers on the selected topic, and then often leaves room for questions from audience members.

This type of format usually features some sort of panel in the front of the room, and a facilitator to guide the conversation of the panel of Decision Makers, and Question and Answer Session after the panel discussion.

This format would be ideal if the committee wanted to highlight some successful programs and solutions that may already be happening in the community. For example, your committee may want to plan a Recovery Town Hall with the topic of “Addressing the Addiction Crisis: A community response” and feature an Elected Official, a Law Enforcement Officer, a Health Care worker, a Program Director for Peer Recovery Support, and an Educator.

Benefits of potentially using this format:

  • Allows the Organizing Committee to build relationships with Community Leaders prior to the Recovery Town Hall event. The confirmed Decision Makers on the panel may even agree to do a press release for the event to highlight their involvement.
  • The general public may be more apt to come to an event that features known community leaders.
  • The Organizing Committee could always work with a few audience members ahead of time to initiate the Question and Answer portion of this style of Recovery Town Hall.

Things you will need for a successful Recovery Town Hall using the Decision Maker Forum format

  • Diverse Panel of Decision Makers
  • Audio Support (Microphone and Speakers)
  • A skilled facilitator for the event
5. Create a promotional tool for the event.

One of the most effective promotional tools will be a flyer for the Recovery Town Hall but your promotion shouldn’t stop there. If you’re a Recovery Advocacy Project Leader you have access to creating online event registration pages using Action Network. This should be the standard practice for all community events to capture people who’ve registered so you can send reminders and thank you emails for the event. All RAP Leaders have access to RAP assets for your flyer design in the files section of your Action Network group (like logos, banner images, photos, etc.), plus, the RAP Organizing team is always available to help answer any questions you have.

This step will make other organizing steps a lot easier. Keep in mind, this promotional tool can change as your committee organizes (For example: In the event you confirm Decision Makers or additional partners, you may need to add logos for non-profit or local businesses to the promotional flyer and online event page) The tools could begin with a simple “Save the Date” to a version with more details, logos, and confirmed Decision Makers.

The promotional tools can serve many purposes for your Recovery Town Hall including:

The promotional tool should include the following:

  • You may have someone on your committee that is good with graphic design or event promotion already. Chances are, someone on the committee will know someone that is good with promotional tasks. Invite that person to join the committee or see if they will assist.
  • Your promotional tool may go through a few versions in the event your committee confirms Decision Makers/finds more community partners for the Recovery Town Hall.
  • Include images on your promotional tool to catch people’s attention.
  • Use brighter colors on the Flyer to catch people’s eye.
  • Let people know if there will be resource tables at the event.
  • Resources
    • CANVA is an web-based design software full of templates for you to use. You can easily create flyers and posters for free, although some features require a paid account. (If you have a nonprofit you can register to use the PRO version for free!)
    • Pikto Chart is a free online design website that will allow you to create flyers and infographics with ease. Some features are paid.
    • Adobe Spark gives you access to a library of templates and design inspiration. You can quickly create a professional-looking flyer with this online resource.

Sample Description on Flyer

“Addiction affects many families in our community. This Recovery Town Hall Meeting will bring together people in recovery from addiction, their loved ones and allies, with our local elected officials and decision makers to work towards community solutions to the addiction crisis. All are welcome to attend.”

6. Outreach to partner with other community groups

Many recovery advocates and organizations across the country have partnered with their local business and non-profits to show strength as a community, as well as increase the word of mouth and audience of the Recovery Town Hall.
Organizing a Recovery Town Hall can accomplish more than educating decision makers or the public, raising awareness, or creating a call to action around an issue. It is important for your committee to look at this project as a way to potentially create new partnerships, allies, and connections. You and your committee will find allies just waiting to support your goals.

Many local business owners or non-profits will partner with your committee if asked. Use the Promotional Tool from Step 3 to approach these potential partners.

  • In one of the committee meetings, come up with a list of local businesses and non-profits to approach. Some of the people on the committee may have existing connections with business owners of staff at the non-profit organizations. Leverage existing relationships as you organize the event.
  • Come up with specific asks for the business owners or non-profits including food/coffee donations, putting up a Flyer in the business, or helping to promote the event. This is an opportunity for each business to give back to the community and be a part of something.
  • Talk to your committee about having resource tables at the event. You can provide a local business owner or non-profit with a resource table at the event and ask them to agree to promote the event in return.
7. Create the Recovery Town Hall invitation for Decision Makers

Once you have established the date, time, location and topic of the Recovery Town Hall it is time to put together your list of Decision Makers to invite.

Your committee should use the list below to come up with the names and contact information to invite your community Decision Makers. Many of your invitees can be invited by email or phone, but some of your committee members may know them personally, so they should deliver the invite or make the ask.

  • Be specific in what you are inviting the decision maker to do. (Ex. Be on a panel, Welcome the Community, Be a speaker, Honored Guest.)
  • If you do not get the preferred invitee on your list, you can always ask the invitee that declined to send someone from their staff like an elected official’s staff member, or another Law Enforcement Officer. Many elected officials or law enforcement will have someone designated as a community or constituent liaison.
  • Be persistent. Be sure to send an invitation and periodically follow up to relay how important this Recovery Town Hall is for the community via a telephone call.
  • Invite 20 people to get between 5-10 YES’s.
  • Don’t let invitation declines stall your efforts in assembling a good attendance form other Decision Makers. Expect some NO replies.
  • Use confirmed YES’s to build on the Recovery Town Hall and get other Decision Makers to come along. For example, “Representative Hernandez will be in attendance for this event, and we would like to get other elected officials like yourself to attend.”
8. Explore other ways to promote your event and build your audience.

The most effective way to build your audience and mobilize people to your event is through strong outreach to local recovery non-profits, treatment centers, mental health groups, recovery and family groups, recovery houses, prevention and harm reduction groups, and working to get commitments of how many people each group can deliver to the Recovery Town Hall.

In addition to word of mouth and using the promotional flyer, there are many tools available online your committee may opt to use to reach more audiences and increase attendance to the Recovery Town Hall.
Here are a few tools Recovery Advocates and Recovery Organizations have found helpful.

Action Network Events

If you are a Recovery Advocacy Project State or Regional Leader, you have access to a suite of advocacy and community organizing tools at no cost through your Action Network account. This pallet of tools gives you everything you need to plan and promote a successful Town Hall. The standard for all Recovery Advocacy Project Leaders should be to create an event action in Action Network and share this event page online and through email once it’s created.

If you’re not a Recovery Advocacy Project Leader, you can easily contact your state lead and collaborate on your Town Hall event. Utilizing your State Leader will greatly benefit the attendance and success of your event.


Eventbrite is a free tool that allows people to RSVP to an event.

Having an Eventbrite link associated with the promotional tool for the Recovery Town Hall has many advantages that includes

  • Managing RSVPs to the event.
  • You can upload the promotional tool (flyer) your team has created.
  • The event also becomes locally searchable on the Eventbrite website.
  • Allows the organizer to be notified when an attendee RSVPs.
  • Automatic email reminder for anyone who RSVPs a day before the event.
  • If capacity is limited at the event, Eventbrite allows the organizer to cap how many RSVPs are allowed.
  • Gives your committee a rough idea of how many people to expect. Keep in mind there will be some people that did not RSVP on Eventbrite that will attend, and there will also be people that RSVP on Eventbrite that do not end up attending the event.
  • You can easily link your Eventbrite event to Facebook Events and manage all attendees in a single place while promoting through Facebook and online. Doing this allows people on Facebook to easily register without leaving Facebook.

Create a Facebook Event Page

Click here for a step by step guide with pictures on how to set up a Facebook Event.

Creating a Facebook Event Page has many advantages including

  • Uploading the Promotional Tool (Flyer) your team created for the event
  • Creates buzz on social media.
  • Allows those you invite to RSVP YES, NO, or MAYBE to attending the event
  • Will remind the MAYBE and YES invitees prior to the event.
  • When someone RSVPs yes if will show that individuals FaceBook friends that they are attending.
  • You can invite selected or entire friend lists to the Recovery Town Hall, or create a larger list by allowing invites to ‘friends of friends’
  • Allows organizers to answer any questions about the event.
  • Allows organizers to highlight any special guests or confirmed speakers at the event.
  • Builds a network and interest for future events you may organize.

The entire Organizing Committee should all work to invite locals on their Facebook Friends list. You can also add multiple hosts to your Facebook Events and ask other organizations to list your event on their organization’s Facebook page so it will display under their upcoming events too.

Use Recovery Advocacy Project’s Social Media Toolkit

The Recovery Advocacy Project has developed a Social Media Toolkit that could help raise the profile of your event across many social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs and others.

The Social Media Toolkit has suggestions for hashtags and graphics that could assist you in reaching a larger audience while promoting your Recovery Town Hall.

The Recovery Advocacy Project’s Social Media Toolkit can be found here.

9. Outreach to Traditional Media

Building relationships with local media can take time. Getting local media to cover your event reaches an audience outside the event itself.

Here are a few steps to take that will increase the potential of media turnout.

Create a list of local media outlets – (Be sure to update this list as much as possible moving forward, as outlets change. List should include:

1. Identify appropriate contact for each media outlet.

Journalists are often assigned an area of expertise. You should be able to find the right media contact by searching for past articles on addiction, health, or community events.

2. Pitch a human interest story

Contact your list of journalists with event information with a human interest story. Personalize each greeting to attempt to build a relationship with that media contact.

A good human interest story could potentially be one of your speakers for the event, a local advocacy effort, or a response to something the journalist covered in a past media piece.

Your correspondence should cover why they should cover the Recovery Town Hall, the human interest story, and a contact for more information. You, or someone on your committee should be a designated contact for media.

Be sure to have a media sign in sheet at the Recovery Town Hall.

Your Organizing Team may option to offer a trusted media contact the Facilitator role.

Here are a few articles to read that have additional pointers on getting local media.

10. Choose a Recovery Town Hall facilitator for the event

The format of the Recovery Town Hall most likely will require someone that can facilitate the event.

The role of the Facilitator is to welcome the Town Hall participants, keep the program moving and focused, introduce guests and speakers, and make sure the event is running on time.

Ideally, the Facilitator should:

Suggestions for Facilitator:

Submit your story to the Recovery Voices online publication

Submit your story to the Recovery Voices online publication

Want to share your story of recovery, community organizing, and opinions with the world?

Our voices deserve to be heard. Each of us has a unique perspective and story to add to the national discussion of recovery and America’s long-standing addiction crisis.

You can submit your stories and opinions to the Recovery Advocacy Project online publication, Recovery Voices using the online blogging site, Medium.

Here is quick how-to guide for submitting your story.

1. Create your Medium Account

Medium is an online writing platform for anyone in the world to share their stories, ideas and opinions with the world. You can create an account for free and start writing right away. When you sign up, you’ll be asked to link your account with one of your social networks making it easy to sign-in to your account in the future.

Medium has a great help section to get you started.

Take me to the help section

I’m ready to sign up


2. After you’ve created your account on Medium, write your story.

Once you’re all signed up you can begin writing right away. In the upper righthand corner of the page, select your profile then, select new story.

Show me how


3. Send the Recovery Advocacy Project a request to be a writer of the Recovery Voices publication.

After you’ve created your account and first story, ask us to be a writer for Recovery Voices by sending an email to our editor at Once we get your request, you’ll receive an invitation via email from us on Medium. Accept the invitation and begin writing your first story!

Visit our publication

4. Publish your story to the Recovery Voices publication.

Once you receive your invitation to be a contributor of the Recovery Voices publication, you can submit your stories to the publication.

Go to edit the story you’ve written, then in the menu options, you can select where you would like your story to be published – both on your personal page and in the Recovery Voices publication.

Show me how


Host a monthly recovery advocacy team meeting

Host a monthly recovery advocacy team meeting

Defining a Community Recovery Advocacy Team Meeting

A community Recovery Advocacy Team meeting is a convening of dedicated individuals from all pathways, family members and supporters working to promote recovery through grassroots and community based solutions regarding the long standing addiction crisis.

Why it is important to host community recovery advocacy team meetings 

Recovery Advocates from all over the country have benefited from various forms of hosting local volunteer Recovery Advocacy Team meetings. Here is a step by step guide, and some best practices for each step, so you can work towards hosting your own monthly team meetings to work towards community solutions.

Step by Step Guide to hosting monthly advocacy meetings

1. Create a list of potential invites to your initial meeting.

This list is an important step. Your list of invites for your Recovery Advocacy Team can include likely participants like people in recovery, family members, and other supporters of recovery.

Your list could also include participants that could be considered non-traditional.

Some of these non-traditional participants could include

Enroll others in creating this list with you. A small group of 2 or 3 people can make a big difference in the end result of your list. This will help to distribute responsibilities, promote unity and connections.

This should be an ongoing list that you add to. Once you begin to have Recovery Advocacy Team meetings regularly, you can work with your new team members to invite additional volunteers they think would add to the team.

Your list should include people within a fair driving distance.

2. Create an invite online, or printed copies to hand out, with a location, date, time, and description for your first meeting.

Invite your list over email, social media sites like Facebook, word of mouth, or by phone. Be clear about what you are asking people to attend. Many people, in and out of recovery, may assume it is a mutual support group meeting/12 step, so it is important to provide specifics in your invitation.


Invite Template

Download this template that you can edit and use as your invite for your community meetings.

Pick a location in advance that will fit the number of expected participants. Request permission to use the space, and work to reserve a date and time there. Some common spaces that could host your Recovery Advocacy Meeting are office spaces, coffee shops, community centers, library rooms, or classrooms.

Give people enough time to RSVP and add it to their calendars.

Choose a time that is easy for people to attend, like after common work hours during the week, or a weekend.

Provide food and refreshments for your meetings. You can also work with a local food vendor to provide donations, or have a pot luck!

Possibly allow for call in or Facetime participation. This may be helpful to some that may have a further drive or can only attend a portion of the meeting, but keep in mind it could result in less people in the room, and less of a personalized atmosphere. 

3. Keep track of RSVP’s, so you can build your advocate invite email (contact) list for future Advocacy Team meetings.

Build upon your Recovery Advocacy Team meeting over time.  There is an ebb and flow to volunteer work. You can expect to build up a dependable core group of people over time that attend the meetings, and many other people who attend when they can, but don’t show up every time.

Create an excel file, or email group, of team member’s contact information and build it over time. This makes it easier to send email invites, and keep track of how people prefer to be contacted. You can encourage all individuals to be a part of the Recovery Advocacy Project, and sign them up to be added to the state Action Network. They will be able to receive guidance from the tools provided and access to their state leads.

Create a Facebook Group page for your team to communicate between Recovery Advocacy Team meetings. This can also serve as a home to send reminders before each meeting.

4. Send reminders before every meeting.

Volunteers have busy lives. Not everyone will attend every meeting, but reminders sent one week, and a day or two before each meeting, will help your team members prioritize it. Encourage your team to add each meeting to their calendars.

At the end of each Recovery Advocacy Team meeting, you should work with the team to come up with the next meeting’s date. This will most likely increase your attendance each month.

Many Recovery Advocacy Teams choose the same day each month for the sake of consistency (Ex. “We meet the third Saturday of every month.”)

5. Create a meeting agenda.

Creating an agenda for each Recovery Advocacy Team meeting in your community shows people you are organized, and keeps the meeting on track. Here is a sample you can follow. See sample >>

Always have a Welcome and Introductions portion of the agenda, even if it is the same people attending each month. Asking people to share their names and why they came to the meeting is important. This allows your team to learn what each member is passionate about, practices the sharing their stories, builds the bond of your team, and allows new advocates to find their voices.

Listen carefully during the Welcome and Introduction portion of the agenda. You may be able to identify and suggest a project based on some commonalities between your team members.

Print out copies of the agenda for everyone, or write it somewhere in the room where everyone can follow it.

Don’t get too off track. Sometimes in group settings, a meeting can go off course.  Work to balance listening to people while staying on track with the agenda. This takes practice.

There should be an update and progress of the current projects the team is working on, and the team members should know what they are contributing to that project.

There should be space on the agenda for “What’s next?”

Always have a section in the agenda for “Additions to the Agenda” so if there are members that need to add something at the meeting, they can always have their voices heard.

While managing your meeting

  • • Always ask someone to take note (minutes) of the meeting. This can be something you volunteer to do yourself or entrust in another core member of your team. This helps with future agendas and updates for other meetings.
  • • Be mindful of how often you are speaking. Your role is to manage and prompt discussion through the team’s agenda and solutions. Ask open ended questions to the team. Open ended questions are questions that are not limited to just a “yes” or a “no”. An example of an open ended question is “What do you all feel like is the most important issues regarding addiction in our community, and what are some ways we, as a Recovery Advocacy Team, can highlight solutions to it?”
  • • Be sure to acknowledge when good work is being done from meeting to meeting. This is meant to be a space where you can empower and encourage your team members.
  • • You may have a group where some advocates are talkative and dominant, while others are quiet and reserved. Be sure everyone is having their voices heard and no one feels left out.
  • • Create project leads for specific projects so the team knows who to get an update from. The team of volunteers should be working together.
  • • Run the meeting the same way regardless of how many people are in attendance. Don’t get discouraged if only a few people show up that month. Often times, more work can get done with less people.
  • • Your Recovery Advocacy Team members will follow your lead. Be sure to set a positive, determined, and focused example for them each time you run a meeting.

Beyond the meeting

  • • Get to know the strengths and talents of your team members. For example, you may discover that you have volunteers that knowing some key decision makers, have graphic design experience, have access to the local radio station, possess writing talents for opinion pieces, or have a large social media following. Each team across the country is unique. Be sure to discover the unique strengths of your team members.
  • • Make sure the team is setting realistic goals. For example, if the team wants to plan an event, be sure that the team has enough team meetings to make the event a reality. Most events could take 3-4 meetings to plan the logistics. Your goal should be to create a space for your team to accomplish their objectives
  • • Be sure to have a contact sign-up sheet at the community events your team hosts, for people interested in joining your advocacy team
  • • Use the RAP Advocate Card to recruit potential new Recovery Advocacy Team members. Make a list of events already happening in your community and see if you can request setting up a table at the event to educate others on your team meetings and purpose.
  • • Ask team members to bring a friend or family to the next meeting to build capacity.

List of potential projects for your team

  • • Create a Community Recovery Resource Guide
  • • Organize a community town hall meeting to highlight an issue affecting your community and provide speakers and solutions. 
  • • Organize a letter writing campaign to support important legislation.
  • • September Recovery Month Activities
  • • Overdose Awareness Month/Day Activity
  • • Alcohol Awareness Month Activity (April)
  • • Host a local training/educational event
  • • Host a fun event for people in recovery
  • • Host Drug and Alcohol Free Recovery Holiday Events
  • • Organize a meeting with your local elected officials or their staff
  • • Community needs assessment
map pin 2

Create a recovery asset and resource map

Create a recovery asset and resource map

Defining a Recovery Asset and Resource Map

An asset map is an inventory of community (local, state, or virtual) strengths and resources that has the potential to guide recovery advocates towards solutions, provide recovery support services, and potentially identify what is needed. Once resources are depicted on the grassroots level, advocates should be able to build on these assets while addressing community needs to make it easier for people to find and maintain recovery.

You may find that many counties, state agencies, or local organizations have already created one of these resources. In the spirit of collaboration and connection, find out if you can help update it, or recategorize into the areas listed below.

Why it is important for organizers to develop a Recovery Asset and Resource Map 

Step by Step Guide to Mapping Your Community’s Assets

1. Determine the scope of your Recovery Asset and Resource Map

Depending on the goals of your team, you will have to determine if a Recovery Asset and Resource Map should be done at the community level, county level (and maybe a few surrounding counties) sections of your state, legislative districts, or statewide. This can be determined by asking the team who you are working to assist. 

Take some time to revisit what your Recovery Advocacy Project’s team vision or mission is before beginning your map. You may also belong to an organization that has a strategic plan. It will be helpful to consult this plan to see where your map may assist the organization.

2. Review the Recovery-Ready Community graphic provided by our friends at Young People in Recovery below.

You may even have additional ideas of what could make a Recovery-Ready Community that may not fall into any of the categories provided in the graphic. Trust your instincts and do a scan for those resources as well!

You can also consult the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Eight dimensions of Wellness to expand your map. Take a look and see if it can lead to additional resources around you in step 3.

3. Create a list of resources you know that may fall into each one of these categories in the area you have determined to focus on. Also, take some time to conduct a quick internet resource scan to add to the list of resources.

You may even have some allies that specialize in one or more of the categories that you could reach out to for assistance. There may be resources you didn’t even realize were provided in your local community or state.

NOTE:  Some resources you may discover in the internet scan could be out of date, or even could be paid advertisements for resources out of state.

4. Determine what is missing that the team is most passionate about.

What are the community needs that stick out to you? This will help you to identify initial organizing projects to take steps towards in your local community or state.  

5. Identify potential partners, allies, decision makers, and advocates in your community that could assist you now, or in the future.

This is an important list for you to reference and continue to add to in your local community organizing efforts. When we refer to decision makers, we are referring to elected officials, leaders in law enforcement, faith community leadership, school officials, or other community leaders.  

6. Determine if some of the solutions to any area needs could be either community or legislative based .

There may be existing community or legislative efforts that are already underway. It is important to do a little research and ask someone who knows about statewide initiatives and policies may already exist that you can add your effort to. Many states have recovery organizations that have public policy experts and may be able to help you with this.

7. Share your Recovery Asset and Resource map with others to educate individuals in communities where to go if they are seeking recovery support services.

Look to social media, non-profit organization websites, town (city) & county websites, Blog sites, family and parent groups, and recovery community organizations as potential spaces that could promote your Recovery Asset and Resource Map to help spread the word

*The Recovery Advocacy Project organizing team would like to thank Young People in Recovery for the use of the graphic and some of the language provided in this guide.



Building your advocacy base

Building your advocacy base

Defining an Advocacy Base

An advocacy base is a local core group of dedicated supporters of the community organizing work you do. This can include aspects of in person, technical, or moral support in your efforts. Your advocacy base should be a group of people you can rely on when there are local actions or you need help organizing your local advocacy projects.

Building Your Base

Why it is important to build your Advocacy Base.

Recovery advocates and organizations from all over the country have benefited from advocate and volunteer outreach. Here is a step by step guide and some best practices to work towards building and sustaining your own advocacy base.

Step by Step Guide to Building your Advocacy Base

1.     Understand that building your Advocacy Base begins with you.

Many of you might be asking, “Where do I even start when I build my advocacy base?” Our answer at the Recovery Advocacy Project is “This starts with you.” Understanding what you bring to the table as a leader, community organizer, or advocate is significant to understanding your vision in building an advocacy base.

Take some time to assess your own strengths, passions, leadership and organizing skills. You are an important part of your own advocacy base. Here is a Leadership Assessment you can use for help with this practice. Download Leadership Assessment

After your assessment, take a look at what you can focus on to improve your organizing skills.  Ask yourself what your next level of leadership looks like. If you have people in your network you can learn from, be sure to ask for assistance.   

2.     Create a core list of potential individuals within your network that you think would join you in your advocacy efforts.

This list may range from 5, to 10, to 50+ people. No matter how many individuals end up on your initial list, these individuals came to mind for good reason. Trust your instinct when drafting your list.

The list may include:

Use your Recovery Asset and Resource Map to improve your outreach list. Find the HOW TO: Create a Recovery Asset and Resource Map HERE

Think outside the box while creating your list. There may be people you can contact that would be willing to take part in your advocacy efforts. Some additional individuals may include advocates for mental health, faith leaders, known community leaders.

Scan your Facebook list of friends, email contacts, phone contacts, and other social media accounts to identify some potential advocates in your area.

Consult the list you created in the HOW TO: Host a Recovery Community Advocacy Meeting to see if there are any additions to be made.

3.     Use a recruitment tool to make collecting contacts of your potential advocacy base easier.

The Recovery Advocacy Team Project has some tools already available to you to build your advocacy base.

One tool many advocates are using is the Recovery Advocacy Team Project Advocate Card. When grassroots advocates complete this RAP Card they will be added to communications from the Recovery Advocacy Project Leadership, and invited to join their regional RAP Facebook pages found HERE.

Encouraging potential advocates to sign up to advocate on the RAP website also automatically organizes them on the state level through the action network for you. You can direct state advocates to your state Recovery Advocacy Project pages.

You may choose to create and use your own recruitment tool similar to the RAP Advocate Card to reflect your community or state.

Assemble advocacy start up packs, and always keep them with you, to hand to your potential base. This pack can include your business card, the RAP Advocate Card, a flyer for your upcoming events or meetings, or information about social media sites linked to your advocacy efforts.

4.     Have consistent community meetings for your advocates to attend.

Learn more about how to host a Recovery Advocacy Project Meeting HERE. Having ongoing-local meetings for interested advocates to attend can be the center of both building and sustaining your base. These community meetings with your neighbors can keep advocates engaged, focused, and working together towards common goals.

Encourage your core team of advocates to share about the next upcoming meetings that are scheduled. The Recovery Community is a word of mouth community, so the enthusiasm generated from your team meetings will spread the word

5.     Create a simple Facebook Group page for your Advocacy Base to join.

Be specific in describing your community Facebook Group.


The Hamilton Township Advocates for Addiction Recovery meets periodically to provide community based solutions around an addiction crisis affecting many families and our neighbors in Hamilton. We are made up of dedicated people in recovery, family members, and supporters of recovery. Join this Facebook Page for updates on upcoming community meetings, campaigns, projects, and events. 

Make consistent updates to your Facebook Page including local news articles, victories (large and small), inspirational quotes about recovery, local partnerships, local blog articles, community calls to action, and reminders for upcoming local advocacy meetings or events.

Keep all posts page related.

Ask to link your Facebook page and Recovery Advocacy Recruitment tools to existing organizations in your area. Make a quick scan of organizations that would support your advocacy efforts and inquire about partnership.

As the group identifies mission/vision and goals, be sure to update the page and any materials.

Feel free to link any of these toolkit pieces to your Facebook Group page to help guide your advocacy base during community projects. 

Take the time to write your own blog posts and share with the Facebook Group.  Many advocates have used the platform Medium to share writing for local and national issues.

You can find a helpful guide for writing content on Medium here.

Sustaining Your Base

1.     Have consistent recovery advocacy community meetings for your advocates to attend.

Learn more about how to host a Recovery Advocacy Project Meeting HERE. Having ongoing-local meetings for interested advocates to attend can be the center of both building and sustaining your base. These community meetings with your neighbors can keep advocates engaged, focused, and working together towards common goals.

Hosting regular meeting builds momentum and a team mentality that will be easier to keep individuals engaged. It also creates a platform for newly interested advocates to participate. The Recovery Advocacy Project recommends you host a meeting on a monthly basis. Many more best practices for this can be found in the HOW TO: Host a Recovery Advocacy Meeting piece of the toolkit on the RAP website.

2.     Create campaigns for your community members to engage in.

Organizing your efforts into an official campaign gives your advocacy base something you are known for, inspires others to take part, and keeps your advocates engaged.

Neighborhood or community campaigns can catch the attention of your neighbors. For example, if you are working to start a campaign to expand on the availability of Narcan (Naloxone) in public buildings you can use the campaign as a way to educate community members on the “what, the “why”, and the “how of your campaign.


“What” To require all town public building to stock Narcan.

“Why” Narcan saves lives and can lead individuals struggling with addiction towards recovery. “How” Petition the town hall and Mayor’s office by collecting 200+ signatures of town residents.

Come up with a name for your campaign that tells of its purpose and potentially grabs the attention of the public and local decision makers.

EXAMPLE: The “Hamilton Township Save a Life Campaign”

3.     Email an electronic newsletter for your advocates.

Communication is key. In addition to communicating with your advocates through social media, collecting emails with the RAP Advocate Cards, or a Card you create for your local area allows you to report on progress of your local advocacy efforts, link local articles related to addiction and recovery, and remind individuals of upcoming advocacy meetings and community events.

Communications like an electronic newsletter should only be done periodically. Receiving an email once a month, every other month, or every three months will not be too much for your advocates.

Create a simple logo and name for your electronic newsletter. (Ex: The Hamilton Township E-News) There are free sites and apps like Canva you can use to create your logo.

Number your electronic newsletter (Ex. Edition 1, Edition 2, etc.) This can show people that join your email newsletter that this is ongoing and is organized. It may also be a good practice to ask new members if they want to receive the last couple of newsletters so they can get a better idea of the work you and your advocates accomplish locally. 

Many people do not want their email address shared with others. When sending your Advocacy e-mails always use the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) line when sending out emails.  You can also set up free mass email accounts using sites like Mailchimp to avoid this.

4.     Use tools provided in The Action Network.

There are online tools you can use to help you guide, build, and sustain your advocacy base both locally and on the state level. Your state Action Networks will be created for you and we will link them here on the Recovery Advocacy Project website soon. 

5.     Make a list of upcoming community events.

Many communities, municipalities, and counties have online calendars. Spend some time researching upcoming events and conferences online that may be appropriate for you or your advocates to attend and talk to participants about your advocacy efforts. Inquire about potential speaking programs you can take part in, panel discussions, or resource tables you can set up at. You may find Health Fairs, Community Days, holiday celebrations, or local festivals.

Build relationships with the individuals who assemble these local calendars.  You can promote your upcoming advocacy meetings and community events on these pages. Some just require an online submission.

Local libraries and town community centers also tend to be a center for hosting or promoting community events. Contact them to see how you can stay updated.

6.     Assemble advocacy start up packs, and always keep them with you, to hand to your potential base.

This applies to both building and sustaining your advocacy base. This advocacy start up pack can include your business card, the RAP Advocate Card, a flyer for your upcoming events or meetings, or information about social media sites linked to your advocacy efforts.

Keep a few packets with you in your vehicle.

Ask local recovery supportive businesses, Alano Clubs, and Recovery Community Centers to display some as well. Use the advocacy start up packs as a good conversation starter with local organizations.

Enroll your core advocates in keeping advocacy packets with them to build and sustain your advocacy base.