COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall Event Banner

COVID-19 Nevada Recovery Community Town Hall

Town Hall

April 23

6 - 7:30 p.m

Join elected leaders and public health experts for a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the recovery community and where we go from here.

Thursday, April 23

6 - 7:30 p.m.

The current COVID-19 health crisis in Nevada has presented a wide-range of challenges to people in and those seeking recovery from addiction and mental health disorders. As a resilient community, we have come together to focus on solutions and how we will get through this trying time together.

Given the current CDC guidelines and Governor Sisolak’s stay-at-home order, mutual aid groups that provide life-saving support services have moved online—and many are fortunate enough to have the access to the supports needed to sustain their pathways to wellness. However, many Nevadans are still unable to access the services needed to enter and maintain their personal recovery.

In the spirit of community collaboration and learning, the Recovery Advocacy Project will be hosting a virtual town hall for the recovery community, families, allies, and policy makers on Thursday, April 23 rd from 6:00-7:30pm PST. The purpose of the town hall will be to discuss the COVID-19 response, supporting those in and seeking recovery, and the impact of this pandemic on the demand for these needed services and supports. The town hall is also an opportunity for citizens of Nevada to learn more and provide input on the community funding needs to combat the state’s addiction and mental health crisis.

Join elected leaders and public health experts for a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the recovery community and where we go from here.

Confirmed Panelists

Julia Ratti

State Senator, District 13


Joe Hardy

State Senator, District 12


Jill Tolles

Assemblywoman, District 25


Steve Yeager

Assemblyman, District 9


Hillary Schieve

Mayor, City of Reno


Michele Fiore

Mayor Pro Tem, City of Las Vegas


Victoria Seaman

Las Vegas Councilwoman, Ward 2

Stephanie Woodard

DHHS Senior Advisor on Behavioral Health

Terry Kerns

Substance Abuse Law Enforcement Coordinator

Office of the Nevada Attorney General

Jenny Gratzke

Southern Nevada Health District

Valerie Cauhape

Rural Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board

Dorothy Edwards

Washoe Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board

Frankie Lemus

Washoe County Behavioral Health Coordinator

Join the discussion on Zoom

Registered attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions live during the town hall.

For questions


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Public Testimony Stock Photo

Give effective public testimony

Give effective public testimony

Defining Public Testimony

One of the purposes for the Recovery Advocacy Project is to build a visible and effective constituency in demand of “community and public policy based solutions” in response to America’s long-standing addiction crisis.

Public Hearings can be excellent ways for you, as the grassroots advocate, to have an impact on these community and public policy based solutions.

Here are a few examples of where you can provide Public Testimony:

Speaking at public hearings may sound scary if you are new to it. This is normal.

It is our hope that this step-by-step guide will prepare and empower you to share your recovery story in public at a hearing so that you can come to realize what many recovery Advocates before you have come to realize…

That providing public testimony is one of the most rewarding and impactful things you can do as an advocate.

NOTE* Testifying for or against legislation does not mean you need to be an expert on the bill. You are there to share your story and experiences, and how the law may affect you or other people in recovery. There are most likely public policy experts testifying on the specifics of the bill. Your role is as a recovery advocate with a story to share.

Step by Step Guide to Giving Public Testimony

1. Recovery Language Review

There are a few things that you can do beforehand that will help you shape the most impactful testimony.

We encourage all recovery advocates to review recovery language that will help you focus on solutions and also speak while not using language that adds to any negative stigma that already exists about people in recovery.

  1. Review the HOW TO: Effectively Speak Out as a Recovery Advocate prior to shaping your message for your public testimony. This HOW TO piece specifically focuses on recovery language and messaging.
  2. It is important for those that may belong to a 12 step recovery group to review the Advocacy with Anonymity pamphlet. You can speak out for yourself as a person in recovery and others and not break the traditions.
2. Research

Do some research before your testimony. Many public hearings will have guidelines for the public to follow, like time limits or if you can testify with one or more recovery advocates at a time. Many of these rules can be found online (like your states legislature website), or you can contact the organizers of the hearing and ask some questions.

You should be able to find out:


Here is a quick example of how a State Legislature has taken the time to provide some guidance on their website to the public around testifying. This example is from the state or Oregon, but you may want to Google “ (Your State Name) State Legislature ”to see if you can research on your own.

Review the Oregon State Legislature How to Testify Web Page

  • Work to sign up early. Sometimes public hearings can be short, but if there are a lot of people signed up, the individuals heard early on usually get the most attention from the committee.
  • Some public hearings assign you a timeframe like (afternoon 2-4PM) so it may not be necessary to witness the entire hearing.
  • Many advocates choose to bring a visual to have an impact. For example, families of loss have brought pictures of their loved ones. Please be mindful of the rules and ask beforehand if visuals are allowed.
  • If you are testifying on a bill, it can be helpful to know who the “sponsor”, or “co-sponsors” of the bill are. It can be useful to reference those elected officials if they are on the committee you are testifying to. It can also be helpful to mention if the bill has “bipartisan” support, which, for example means it could be sponsored by both a Republican and a Democrat.
3. Prepare your Recovery Story for Public Testimony by writing it out.

Writing out your testimony before the hearing does a number of things including:

  • The best testimonies are the ones that are not read off a piece of paper word for word. Use the written testimony to really just hit the bullet points of what you want to say. You can even use a highlighter to be sure you get your main points across.
  • Have your contact information on the written statement in case there are follow up questions or comments.
  • Bring supporting data. You can even reference it in your written testimony. Be careful to not make your testimony too “data heavy”. It is the story that the committees you testify to will most likely remember. You can even ask a local organization in your state if they have anything you can submit.
  • Many Recovery Advocates have also delivered additional supportive testimony from community members that are unable to attend the public hearing in person. Before you attend your event, work to collect a few other hand written statements and submit them with your written testimony.
4. Practice delivering your Public Testimony.

Try to practice your written testimony out loud a few times.  Work to get a sense of the main points you wish to get across. You can also set a timer to see if you stay in the suggested time frame of the testimony.

The more you practice the easier the testimony will be live. Keep working to give your testimony without reading it. It even helps to pretend there is a panel of people listening in front of you.

  • The Recovery Advocacy Project is a network of grassroots Recovery Advocates. If you want someone to take a read of your testimony or have a quick phone call to practice with let us know! Each state has a State Lead(s) you can contact, and a Facebook Group. Go to for more specific state information and join your regional Facebook Group.
  • While it is good to rehearse, it is important to not sound rehearsed! Be sure not to lose the genuineness of your story while practicing over and over.
  • If there is a time limit, rushing will not help. Nothing gets accomplished if you just speed your way through the testimony just to finish. Be sure to take your time and choose the strongest pieces of your testimony. Try speaking slowly when you practice and listen to what is most impactful.
  • Your tone is important. If something is urgent, say it urgently. If something is meaningful to you, be sure that is relayed through your tone.
  • Pauses are effective.

What to bring to the public testimony

What to expect at the public testimony

If you are new to giving testimony, your best bet is to arrive early and watch a few people give testimony before you. It allows you to get a feel for the committee and the room. This is also a good networking opportunity. Try to pay attention to what organizations are there and feel free to reach out to them if you hear a testimony that inspires you.

Arriving early also allows you to take note of how the committee responds if people go over time. Sometimes there will be someone letting individuals know if they are close to their allotted time.

Here are some things to expect:

  • Be respectful to the panel. You are there to build a connection with decision makers on issues that are important to you. Expect support, but the reality is, not all committee members will always see eye to eye. That is ok.
  • Take your time, especially when you are relaying how important what you are advocating for is to you.
  • Respect the time of the committee. Do your best not to go over the allotted time.
  • Humanize people in recovery. This can be done by reviewing the language in the HOW TO Speak out as a Recovery Advocate toolkit piece on the RAP website. You can also humanize the issues by not having testimony that gets too lost in numbers and statistics.
  • Work to maintain eye contact as best as you can.
  • When you see someone nod in agreement, acknowledge it. It is encouraging, and can also indicate that you are making your point and can move forward in your testimony.
  • It is ok to be emotional while delivering testimony. These issues are important to you and it can be powerful to relay that.
  • Include the Bill Number if you are testifying for or against legislation, especially in the written testimony for reference.
  • Thank the committee you are testifying to for the opportunity.