For Our Candidates

Candidate Endorsement Application

We are delighted to announce the release of the 2020 Recovery PAC Candidate Endorsement Application. Every candidate for elected office is invited to apply. The details are contained in throughout this application page.

With the support of the Recovery Advocacy Project, Recovery PAC is connecting candidates to constituents who support recovery from addiction and mental health. Individuals, families, and communities have benefited from the resiliency, courage, and strength that recovery requires. We believe that public servants, like yourself, will benefit from knowing your constituents who care about recovery access and choice. More importantly, we believe our laws will be better when all of our citizens feel safe in talking about addiction and mental health. That’s why correcting stigma is our biggest priority.

In the application, you will find our 2020 platform. You will also be asked what we can do to help you serve your recovery constituents in Carson City, and our own communities. We want to work together to elevate Nevada as a place where recovery is a celebrated solution to addiction and mental health.

For some background on the Recovery Advocacy Project, please visit our website at Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, and keep your e-mail boxes open for Recovery Advocacy Project/Recovery PAC Announcements.

Thank you for your willingness to stand for election. We know the dedication and energy you have invested into your campaign. Please submit your candidate application no later than July 15, 2020.

We look forward to working with you throughout our endorsement process this year.

Video Submission

In addition to a completed endorsement application, candidates are invited to upload a video response in lieu of an interview with the Endorsement Committee. All video submissions will be reviewed by the Endorsement Committee.

About The Endorsing Organization

Recovery PAC is a Nevada state political organization endeavoring to connect voters with candidates to advance the issue of addiction recovery and Recovery Advocacy Project is a 501(c)4 that supports the civic engagement and advocacy of citizens impacted by Addiction and Mental Health. Recovery PAC seeks to elevate the profile of “Recovery-Oriented Voters” through grassroots voter mobilization in support of candidates who agree to support the recovery platform.


Candidates are invited to apply for endorsement by the PAC. The PAC’s Endorsement Committee will review all applications for endorsement.

The Endorsement Committee will consider the following:

    1. Responses to the candidate questionnaire
    2. Electability
    3. Leadership
    4. Any other component relating to the personal traits and integrity of the individual deemed relevant to the committee.

Please note, that the committee reserves the right NOT to endorse in any race for any reason.

Application Checklist

Candidates may be invited to interview with the Endorsement Committee Board as a whole, or with individual members who make up the body, at the Endorsement Committee’s discretion.

The Value of Endorsement

Recovery PAC is a grassroots organization of people who support recovery from addiction and mental health. Recovery PAC’s mission is to demonstrate the value of the organized recovery voice, and therefore its endorsement is a thing of great value.

Endorsed candidates will be featured as a “Recovery PAC Endorsed Candidate” in Recovery PAC’s 2020 Voter Guide.

Endorsed candidates may receive some or all of the following assets in support of their campaign:

2020 Voter Guide

Featured in Recovery PAC’s 2020 voter guide. Use of the Recovery PAC endorsed logo.


Recognition at Recovery PAC/Recovery Advocacy Project Events

Featured Status

Featured status at Recovery PAC’s signature event ahead of early voting (October 2020)

Financial Support

Financial Support

Social Media

Features on all Recovery PAC/Recovery Advocacy Project social media platforms

Field Support

Field Support (door-to-door, phone banking, etc.)

Media assets

Media assets

Video Highlights

Highlight videos suitable for media promotion

Get Out the Vote

GOTV engagement on the candidate’s behalf

Voter Intelligence

Voter intelligence relevant to the candidate’s district

1 %
Recovery Over party

42% would vote for a candidate not of their own party if they supported recovery.

1 %
Recovery Value

72% of voters agree that people in recovery are of value to their families and community.

1 %
Recovery Access

62% would support a ballot initiative or legislation that increases access to recovery.

1 %
Recovery Choice

83% of voters believe it is important to have access to various ways to recover.

1 %

72% of voters agree that stigma has an important impact on individuals in recovery.

Apply for Endorsement

#StandUp4Recovery and complete the candidate endorsement application today.